Why Incorporating AI Into Your Business Will Allow You to Travel More

Andrew Charlton
We are at the digital age where machines are starting to do the tasks which were previously meant for humans. Through the artificial intelligence technology, we can incorporate machine learning in order to do repetitive tasks. Gone are the days where artificial intelligence was only confined to be used in experimental robots–we are now using AI to enhance our precision in tasks and it is making our industries more efficient for the better.

According to tech expert and writer Andrew Charlton, there are some things we need to look out for about AI in the years to come:

  • More job automation opportunities – businesses are now able to automate some tasks, therefore saving time and money for the work being done
  • Less supervision needed – since artificial intelligence is mostly precise, there is a lesser need supervise these operations. All you need would be regular maintenance and updating of the software and hardware.
  • Allowing the business to be scalable – some businesses have a hard time in revenue growth because it cannot compensate for additional work. Having extra help in tasks will allow more businesses to scale their business for revenue growth

Additionally, there are also benefits for every business owner when more tasks are automated. Not only will it make your business grow, but it can also help you achieve more flexibility and freedom to do more in your personal time. Andrew Charlton gives us his insights about AI can help you in your business.

How AI Can Give Your More Time For Travel and Personal Time

1. 24/7 Online Customer Support

One of the greatest roadblocks to any growing business is the availability of customer support. Hiring personnel who is willing to work graveyard hours may be difficult because people also value their rest time. This sometimes leaves business owners at their wits’ end trying to look for people to do the task, and sometimes end up filling in the job themselves.

Some of these tasks include answering e-mails, replying to feedback forms, answering phone calls or respond to a chat inquiry. If you don’t have the right personnel, this may be a difficult task to maintain. Thankfully, there are available AI technologies that cater to business owners to do this task. All you have to do is pay for a subscription software service that allows you to have access to automated customer service.

2. Automated Marketing Strategies

Another hurdle of a business owner is trying to market products and services while doing operations at the same time. This can be difficult especially if you are a startup who doesn’t have a marketing team yet.

AI can help you get a jumpstart on marketing without leaving you on the job alone. Some of the great benefits of AI in marketing include targeted advertising, e-mail newsletters, auto-suggestions for e-commerce websites and many more. These are tools powered by AI to help increase engagement, generate leads, and help in sales. These tasks can be very time-consuming when done manually, so having AI-powered marketing strategies can help you save more time for traveling and doing more with your personal time.

3. Real-Time Analytics

Analytics is one of the best ways to track your business’ progress. Having some form of analytics plugged into your business is the key to understand what works for your business and what doesn’t. This can be applied to marketing strategies, customer responses, and product acceptance.

Through analytics, you can understand which type of media your customers responds the most. Another would be to see how much people are actually buying your products or how many visitors are clicking through your website. AI-powered analytics help you give these data in an aggregated form to help you understand the big picture in your business. Trying to observe this separately using different tracking tools will also be detrimental to your efficiency. AI analytics can help you save time and track your progress as it happens.

4. AI-Powered Systems Operation

AI can also help your business in overall system operation. In the manufacturing business, you can install an AI-powered machine to help you make customized items for your clients. All it needs is some personal information inputted by the customer, and it will be printed or created instantly with minimum info transfer lag time.

AI can also help in tracking inventory and shipping, as well as keeping up with all other business needs. A business owner does not need to be fully literate with tech jargons as some of these programs are user-friendly and can be activated with a click of a button.

People should not be afraid of the new technology. In fact, these developments should be embraced and not shunned because it brings a lot of benefits to us. AI doesn’t replace jobs, they specialize jobs. AI brings efficiency in a business and helps us achieve more with less time and effort.